Multidisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
C    O    N    F    L    I    C    T
The Films From Oedipus to Cyber-Wealth About Us
Movies - Martial Arts - Multidisciplinary Approach
Fulfill Breadth Requirements
Note: Any segment of the 20ABC sequence can be used to fulfill the Humanities or Social Science 'additional course'breadth requirements.  Students who take all three (3) quarters can use 20A to fulfill the Literature/Philosophy/Religious Studies requirement and 20B to fulfill the Political Science requirement.
Zheng!A New Year Long Course Series 
Starting Fall 2002!

Conflict is ubiquitous and unavoidable, but it is not always a negative force. What does conflict mean? Where does conflict come from? How can we benefit from it?

Fall 2002, HASS 20A
Tues-Thurs 9:40-11:00, Call #17488
"Flashpoint - The Individual in Conflict: Dimensions, Expressions, Venues and Resolutions"

Winter 2003, HASS 20B
"Conflict By Design: Tactics, Scales of Organization, Power and Authority"

Spring 2003, HASS 20C
"At Odds With All Things: the Roles of Conflict in Philosophy, Art and Literature"

Students are encouraged, though not required, to take all three segments of HASS 20ABC.